National Accounts
All too often, when deciding whether or not to go to a national program, the analysis revolves around the size of a catalog and the number of branches a supplier has. This is where the big catalog houses make their mark. They claim that they are best able to supply national accounts with their giant books and their network of branches
The major drawback of this approach is that all the branches do not have the same stock and they certainly don't have the expertise to help you. And lost in this decision is the cost of the program overall. A fastener is the one item, that while the cost per unit may be small, the cost of not having stock can have exponential consequences.
When you choose L.A. Fasteners for your national program, you will have an account representative who will work with you to determine the best mix and levels of inventory for your maintenance needs. L.A. offers a fair buy-back program to ensure you are not stuck with obsolete inventory.
L.A. Fasteners' philosophy is to form a partner relationship with our customers by tailoring our services to meet their diverse needs.

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